Chris Deeds from Weyerhaeuser joins HBF Board of Directors

Please join HBF as we welcome Chris Deeds, Weyerhaeuser Area General Manager, to our 2023 Board of Directors. Chris has been involved with HBF for 12 years. In that time, he has seen first-hand how the “HBF does such amazing things for people throughout our community”. Chris admires the way, “HBF brings the building community and their partners together”.

The spirit of togetherness is what initially drew Chris to HBF. And he continues to be involved because of the way such a diverse group of people come together to provide service to a group of “highly deserving folks”. Chris thoroughly enjoys Pucks for Possibilities and considers the event his favorite industry night of the year!

Growing up in Denver, Chris wanted to be a marine biologist. And he admits that while in high school he worked as an entertainer at Casa Bonita. Although he didn’t tell us what he did! Once, Chris had a run-in with former NFL coach Jeff Fischer. They were in line for security at LAX. Chris tried telling Jeff jokes, but says, Jeff was unimpressed. So perhaps Chris wasn’t a comedian at Casa Bonita!

Chris has been to a lot of places; however, his most memorable trip was to the Black Hills of South Dakota. The trip mesmerized his kids and was one he will never forget. Chris’s favorite holiday is Easter. And if he had a super-power, he would wish for the ability to eat whatever he wants without gaining weight. We are with you there, Chris.

Chris is not a coffee guy, so probably no Starbucks encounter with him there. But be sure to ask what his job was at Casa Bonita when you meet him at the first Board meeting. Welcome to the Board of Directors, Chris!


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