You Know the “Fully Staffed” Feeling!
You know the sense of accomplishment when everything is feeling a bit settled? Now that we are fully staffed, that is how we are feeling at HBF.
HBF has spent the last several months on-boarding Denise McNeill, Marketing & Communications Specialist, and Mike Sheppard, our newest Lead Construction Technician. Along with Beth, Brian, Steve, Lauren and Alice the team is ready to help elevate the lives of our clients.
Excerpt from “Seasoned Veteran, Mike Sheppard Joins HBF Crew”
Like so many in our industry, Michael (Mike) Sheppard was slowly indoctrinated into HBF by a former colleague. For several years, Mike work with our own Steve M. When Steve joined HBF last year, he began reaching out to Mike about helping with some bathroom remodeling projects. He was working independently at the time; luckily Mike had a break in his schedule and decided it would be a great time to reconnect with Steve on an HBF project.
At his introduction, Mike was so impressed with the professionalism and quality of the modifications HBF provided. He felt good working with Steve again and found HBF Project Director Brian to both “welcoming and supportive”. He loved interacting with our clients and was overwhelming satisfied with HBF’s processes start to finish. When an additional Lead Technician position opened with HBF, Mike knew he was ready to settle into a more structured environment. He accepted the position and was able to hit the ground running. Read more about Mike in our entire blog post HERE!
A Little About Us and How to Reach Out!
Beth Forbes, Executive Director. Oversees all operations of HBF; staff, board, financial and operational management; strategy implementation and execution; high level strategic partnerships and relationships.
Brian Johnson, Program Director. Oversees all aspects of HBF’s home modification program and construction projects, from site visit to scope and budget development; recruiting, retaining and supporting the Project Captains through the project and closing out projects with inspection and warranty. Brian is based in the field, not in the office.
Lauren Knudsen, Development Director. Oversees all aspects of development efforts. Major focuses are donor cultivation, diversification of funding streams and third-party beneficiary events. Creates, implements and manages an overall fundraising plan to expand the presence, reach and support of and for HBF.
Alice Wurst, Mission Integrator. Supports back-end for staff, including mailings, database, reports, and process improvement. Works closely with Program Director, all client interface of applications and project processes. Alice is also the point person for “any skilled” volunteers.
Steve McCarty, Lead Construction Technician. HBF’s “Internal Project Captain” that can complete most projects himself and/or support Project Captains on completing their work with us. Steve is based in the field.
Denise McNeill, Marketing and Communications Specialist. Responsible for many aspects of HBF marketing and communication efforts. Works closely with HBF staff, Project Captains, Community Partners and Clients to ensure relevant and timely distribution of information critical to the success of Projects, Events and overall wellbeing of HBF. Daily, Weekly, Quarterly, & Annual communications to targeted audiences.
Mike Sheppard, Lead Construction Technician. HBF’s “Internal Project Captain” that can complete most projects himself and/or support Project Captains on completing their work with us. Mike is based in the field.
Now that the gang is all here, we are all ready to reach new heights as we elevate the lives of our clients. We each bring our unique talents to champion our Project Captains, Volunteers, Caretakers, Board Members, Supporters and each other in building independence and making HBF the best it can be!