Meg T. is a Crucial, Dedicated Volunteer with HBF!
April is National Volunteer Month—a month dedicated to recognizing the importance of volunteering and honoring the significant contributions volunteers make. Volunteers like Meg Turner, generously donate their time and talents and make the work we do at HBF possible.
Meg came to volunteer with HBF through a very unique path. One night, while dining out, she had a chance meeting with HBF’s Community Development Director, Lauren. The two strangers began a conversation and Lauren explained her work with HBF. Meg was intrigued and knew in that moment that she would somehow become involved with HBF!
Each of our volunteers has a different back-story. And the people who are so instrumental to HBF’s mission come from all walks of life. Meg spent years working in a complicated career with Liberty Mutual, assessing punitive allowances. She was privy to some very difficult situations. When Meg retired she was seeking opportunities where she could help people.
Meg and HBF Today!
Fast forward three and a half years! And Meg has become an invaluable asset for HBF. Meg embodies the HBF idea that there is “something for everyone”. She can often be found in the office helping administratively. She is involved with scheduling and securing auction items for events.
Meg says, “My favorite “job” is making the phone call to let an applicant know that they have been approved for a site visit. I get to connect volunteers, advocates, and photographers with clients.” It makes Meg so happy to be involved with projects and our clients from the very beginning.
Meg, we see you! We appreciate you! And we are so grateful you chose to eat out the same night as Lauren! HBF knows volunteers are a crucial, dedicated component of our programs. Individuals like Meg contribute more than 2,100 volunteer hours per year and contribute to many work items. Last year this equated to a community impact value of more than $447,000. Volunteers embody the leadership, commitment, and respect for clients and their homes that HBF strives to foster in the communities we serve.