No Snow Day For the Toll Brothers Crew

At HBF we love it when our community partners or other supporters come to us with fresh ideas. We get inspired and start figuring out how we can incorporated new opportunities.

Measure twice! Cut once

Mark Bailey, Toll Brothers President, reached out late last year and suggested a company-wide volunteer day. The initial reaction was “how fun, what a great opportunity”. The reality is, we don’t have a project vast enough to put to work all 150+ employees at the same time. However, the seed was planted. We knew we had to take advantage of the amazing chance to introduce HBF to the entire Toll Brothers staff.

After brainstorming we are happy to introduce Friday, February 18th,  as “HBF-Toll Bros. Signing Day”! To accommodate “north” and “south” side employees, two different “signings” have been scheduled with HBF representatives. Each employee will be given the opportunity to help, in some way, during 2022. Because of the variety of choices (from creating a facebook fundraiser, being a project captain, to securing auction items for events and more!) each employee can sign up to volunteer in a way unique to their personal style. We recently had a TollBros. crew complete a ramp for Joyce G. Now the ENTIRE company can experience all the wonderful ways HBF impacts the lives of our clients living with disabilities.

We can’t wait to be inspired by YOU! If you would like to explore the idea of a “Signing Day” for your company or have another idea you would like to share with HBF, contact Alice Wurst.