Craig Hospital and HBF Strive Every Day to Achieve Similar Goals
Home Builders Foundation relies largely on fundraising to accomplish the work we do in the community. However, the commitment of Annual Supporters allows us to forecast and schedule projects that otherwise might go undone. Craig Hospital partners with HBF in many ways, historically as a referral source to HBF, this year as a Gold Level Annual Supporter and as one of our Official Community Partners.
Craig Hospital is a nationally recognized rehabilitation hospital specializing in spinal cord and brain injuries. Given the nature of their patient’s injuries/disability the partnership with HBF is so important to those they serve.
As a Clinical Care Manager at Craig Hospital for more than 30 years, HBF board member Niki Abeyta shares, “Craig’s Annual Supporter and Community Partner status provides a two-way relationship. This enables local patients to go home and start their new journey in a safe and accessible environment.”
Niki talks about her how she and her team get involved, “We have always loved Blitz Build. After the restrictions of the pandemic, I personally am looking forward to Clubs for a Cause!! I man a hole, so I get to talk to and cheer on lots of golfers!!” Craig’s continued support of HBF is important because it is such a great and vital service. It is a benefit to our local patients and as well as a great community partner!!!
Striving to Achieve Similar Goals
Craig Hospital and HBF strive every day to achieve similar goals. For a Craig patient to move forward, accessibility is a must. Every year the HBF enables many patients to translate the skills they’ve learned into their everyday life. Thanks to the accessibility provided by HBF, clients’ home environments are transformed into the sanctuary they are intended to be. Craig Hospital routinely collaborates with HBF to provide no cost home modifications for their patients. Because of the generosity of our Annual Supporters, assistance is not limited to Craig Hospital patients. To begin the process of “elevating” someone’s life, start an application at
Your organization can join Craig Hospital and HBF elevating the lives of individuals who need it most! Find out how to become an Annual Supporter by contacting Lauren Knudsen.
Be sure to watch for our update next week and find out how other companies are making a difference with their Annual Supporter status.