Supporter Spotlight: Boise Cascade – Presenting Sponsor of “Clubs For a Cause”
For our #supporterspotlight this week, we are featuring 2019 Gold Supporter and Presenting Sponsor of Clubs For a Cause, Boise Cascade. Boise Cascade is also the proud sponsor of the Annual Celebration and a large in-kind donor of building materials for many of our projects throughout the year.
Boise Cascade has a proven track record of providing quality wood products and a nationwide building materials distribution network for our customers. They pride ourselves on being a consistent and stable partner with a strong sense of urgency to help our customers achieve success. They manufacture plywood, engineered wood products, and lumber and through our distribution facilities in more than 33 locations, they supply a broad line of wood products and building materials. Boise Cascade Company is a public company traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol BCC.
Thank you Boise Cascade for your continued partnership with the HBF and your generous sponsorship of “Clubs For A Cause”!