Building Independence

Building Independence.  Elevating lives.

For over 25 years, the Home Builders Foundation has enabled individuals with disabilities and their families to live more independent, elevated lives. Our skilled volunteers and collaborative partners come together to create home modifications that empower greater access, reinforce safety and equip clients with the ability to tackle everyday tasks.

In our 25+ year history, we have built more than 2,000 home modifications including ramps, bathrooms and much more. We are determined to build upon our experience. We consistently expand how our services can even better elevate lives for those in need.

“Thanks to HBF and our new lift, my daughter can leave and enter her home on her own. Just the other day I was wondering where she had gone and found her in the park across the street. Her new independence is a godsend.”

-Paul, father of 2015 recipient Kyla B.