Beth Forbes Celebrates 12 years at HBF!
Beth Forbes joined Home Builders Foundation (HBF) in 2011 as the Program Manager and sole staff member. At the time, she had worked with nonprofits for more than seven years – including two years with AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps. She quickly realized that the level of support and commitment that exists within the HBF community far surpassed anything she had previously experienced. Forbes shares, “It’s just amazing! Some of the modification requests we receive can be daunting in terms of the complexity, scope or funding required. But all we have to do is share the request and someone steps forward to help accomplish it. The direct impact and relationship we have with the client is unique to HBF as well.”
After about years at HBF, it was time to expand the staff and Beth became Executive Director. During the 12 years she has served in that position, the HBF community has continued to champion the nonprofit and its mission, which has allowed the HBF staff grow and subsequently implement new processes, ideas and programs to elevate the lives for even more people living with physical disabilities. At that point, HBF was providing home modifications to approximately 20 clients each year. In 2022, the nonprofit completed more than 240 projects for 120 clients valued at $1.2M – and these numbers are expected to grow in 2023.
One of Beth’s favorite programs is HBF’s annual Blitz Build. She initiated the campaign as a way to quickly address a backlog of client requests and to provide additional volunteer opportunities – particularly for those individuals who wanted to be involved in the nonprofit’s mission but who lacked construction experience. During the first Blitz Build in 2011, volunteers installed ramps for seven clients in less than two months. The crews enjoyed the process so much that Blitz Build became an annual event. Over the past 12 years, more 225 ramps have been installed during Blitz Build – vastly increasing the independence of the clients served and also providing recognition for the valuable community service that trades, builders and ancillary partners provide. In 2023, Blitz Build will transform into a series of build weekends taking place May through October in order to better accommodate crew schedules and adjust to supply chain challenges.
Forbes has also benefitted personally from the guidance and encouragement of the HBF community as she has further developed her leadership skills to help the nonprofit’s growth. She received her Master of Nonprofit Management from Regis University in 2011, completed the Executive Director Academy with JVA Consulting and became a Fellow with the Denver Young Nonprofit Professional Network’s Elevate Denver program in 2015 and earned her Human Resources certification through Mountain States Employment Council in 2016.